Animal Crossing and Pokémon are among some of the most nostalgic games out there. They bring out everyone's inner child. Who needs Dark Souls or Halo when you can instead dedicate your time to befriending strange digital animals? Despite both being popular series that center on animals, the games are rather different. One focuses on a human who uses the animals to fight other animals while the other is a human who is slowly paying off house debt to a raccoon.
As different as the games are, there is crossover fan art. Both of the series are popular for crossover fan content, so why not have them together? Here are ten pieces of Animal Crossing and Pokémon fan art we love. Be sure to check out the linked artists, as they deserve credit for their talented work.
10 Halloween Villagers

This piece, along with most of the others that we love are drawn by Luce-do-the-doodles. These particular villagers were done in a Halloween-theme style. That's why the artist picked out Pokémon that are mostly Ghost-Type. In order from left to right we have Duskull, Murkrow, Braixen, Zubat, Banette, and Misdreavus. They are all drawn to look like Animal Crossing villagers. They are all adorable! We love their little outfits too, like they are ready to go out Trick-or-Treating.
9 Sweet Villagers

These are another batch from Luce-do-the-doodles' crossover collection. In order we have the Pokémon Glaceon, Teddiursa, Lapras, Wynat, Pansage, and Lopunny. A lot of personality can be shown in these characters! We love that Glaceon looks like its dressed for like a student and that Teddiursa in in a onesie like a little baby. The Pansage is especially creative. They made the broccoli on its head have a bite out of it, and that is why it is crying.
Our favorite might be the Lopunny though, as she looks like one of those villagers with the Snooty personality like Pecan, Olivia, or Diana.
8 Villager Leafeon And Friends

Luce-do-the-doodles wrote with this fan art, "My friend says all my Pokémon villagers looks too mildness, so I try to make some of them looks more… well, evil. And you can see I failed."
In order we have Leafeon, Vulpix, Sandshrew, Sneasel, Vaporeon, and Deino. As for the evil bit, the Sneasel definitely looks like they are up to something. Animal Crossing villagers actually do look pretty mindless in the games. It is part of what makes them look cute. It also suits them, since you are basically taking care of them and their village.
7 Dressed Up Villagers

These Pokémon villagers were made by Turtle-Arts. In order we have Honchcrow, Gengar, Arbok, Gyarados, Mew, Hypno, Vulpix, Blastiose, and Raichu. The artist was inspired to draw these when they saw other crossover fan art of Pokémon villagers floating around the Internet. They wrote that they also wanted to draw a Doublade as a villager, but couldn't figure out how since its design is a sword with a face. Yes, artists should probably stick to the most animal-like Pokémon for villager crossover fan art.
We love the personality put into the clothes, especially for Gengar and Mew. It is also hilarious that Gyarados is dressed like a college professor.
6 Animal Crossing: Sun And Moon

While not as common as Pokémon villagers, Animal Crossing and Pokémon crossover fan art can also feature human characters as animal villagers. The artist, DC9spot, decided to draw human characters from the Sun and Moon games as animal villagers from Animal Crossing. We got Hau as a dog, Lillie as a rabbit, Gladion as a rabbit, Guzma as an ape, Kukui as a goat, Lusamine as a rabbit, Ilima as a wolf, Mallow as a deer, and Acerola as a cat.
It makes sense that Gladion, Lillie, and Lusamine are all rabbits because they are all related.
5 Smug Rapidash And Friends

Luce-do-the-doodles is at it again with these adorable crossover characters. In order we have Rapidash, Quilava, Zangoose, Mareep, Pancham, and Xatu. We love their faces! Zangoose looks like they are having war flashbacks and Pancham looks like she is plotting a sinister crime. Rapidash looks like they are loosely based on the unicorn villager, Julian, because like Julian, they are looking pretty smug.
4 Human Villagers With Pokémon Villagers

Luce-do-the-doodles has also done human characters, except they do not appear to be based on any particular character in either series. Maybe these two are loosely based on the protagonist of the X and Y games? The reason we think so is because the three Pokémon villagers below them are starters from the X and Y games. They are Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie.
3 Villagers Big And Small

A cute design trait that villagers in Animal Crossing have is a size difference depending on what animal they are. Giraffes are tall and frogs are small, but but so much that it is jarring like in Zootopia.
Luce-do-the-doodles paid some attention to size difference with their Pokémon villagers as well. Here we have Gardevoir, Growlithe, Giraffarig, Goodra, Scraggy, and Ampharos. Their size differences are quite apparent, as Goodra is much taller than Scraggy.
2 Nurse Audino And Friends

In order we have Pachirisu, Dedenne, Bellossom, Audino, Treeko, and Drowsy. Luce-do-the-doodles decided to get a little creative and make Audino a nurse and give Drowsy some cutlery. There are Animal Crossing villagers that have some unique traits that separate them from others. For example, Kid Cat has a helmet and and Anka wears a crown. Even when villagers like those put on new outfits, those details remain the same.
1 Alolan Vulpix Villager

This villager was made by Yen_Cat. It is a villager of an Alolan Vulpix, which is a fan favorite region variant from the Sun and Moon games. It is adorable as a villager, and we love that the artist put it in a little winter-themed shirt since it is an Ice-Type. The villager design is also just so fluffy looking that we want to hug her and not let go.
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