DBZ: Kakarot's Time Machine May Lead to Future DLC | Game Rant

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has promised that its long awaited time machine update would be arriving sometime before the end of March, and fans are reasonably excited. Through use of the time machine, they will be able to replay awesome stories in DBZ: K, complete timed sub-stories, and of course get the chance to play as certain characters yet again. While all this is great, it is possible that the time machine could be an avenue to even more in the future, as the introduction of time travel to the main timeline opens doors for travelling to alternate timelines for DLC or short story missions.

For those unaware, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's time machine is largely unoperational at the moment. Although it does see one use when it brings Future Trunks back to the main timeline so he can be used during the end game free roam, it certainly leaves a lot to be desired in terms of player use. To answer this problem, it was announced that the time machine would be usable to go back to different portions in the story, but some are theorizing there will be more to it than just that at some point in the future.

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The most obvious application of the time machine in Dragon Ball Z and, by extension, DBZ: K is to travel backwards or perhaps even forwards in time. While this may seem simple enough, everyone should know by now that time travel is never simple, and there is actually a lot more to it. Dragon Ball's concept of time travel works along the theory of alternate timelines and parallel universes; any time a change is made in the past due to time travel, the future doesn't change. Instead, a parallel universe or alternate timeline is created, moving side by side with the original timeline diverging over time due to the changes made.

Trunks discovers this when he returns to his timeline after Cell is defeated in the main timeline. Upon his return, the Androids are still wreaking havoc on his world, and the Cell from his timeline is still alive. By going back in time, he didn't save his future, but created a future for the others in which they did not all die at the hands of Androids 17 and 18. This is different from the concept Dragon Ball Super introduced of there being multiple universes, as these universes are not quite parallel and are not formed as a result of time manipulation.

The nature of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's time travel rules implies that there could theoretically be an infinite number of timelines and realities, each different (whether slightly or drastically) from the last. Dragon Ball Super reveals that it is the job of the Supreme Kais and, to an extent, the Gods of Destruction to make sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen, but what if there were other timelines? What would they be?

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 introduces this concept in a sense with their time patrol. The divine bird, Tokitoki, who sits at the side of the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, lays eggs which contain entire timelines within them. At the end of Xenoverse 2Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's secret boss, Mira, absorbs both his master Towa and Tokitoki's egg, and the resulting transformation bears a stark resemblance to the Super Saiyan 4 transformation of Dragon Ball: GT. After recovering the egg, the Dragon Ball: GT timeline is born from it.

It is clear that the time machine doesn't just go forwards and backwards in a straight line, but is capable of jumping between timelines (otherwise every time Trunks went back to the past, he would end up in an unaltered version of his timeline's past and create a new timeline). The existence of Mira and Towa in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's canon and the latter's comment on traveling to new timelines to gather more energy indicate that it is highly likely that numerous timelines have been created already. This paired with Mira's close relation to the world of Dragon Ball: GT explained previously and a Dragon Ball: GT DLC for DBZ: Kakarot seems within reach.

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While it seems less likely than a Dragon Ball: GT expansion due to the supporting evidence for such a thing, it is also possible that the alternate timelines players could travel to might include stories from Dragon Ball Z movies like The World's StrongestBroly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, or Fusion Reborn. The precedent for these stories as DBZ: Kakarot DLC is certainly there, as there was even a Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot datamine in which Videl talks about DBZ Broly.

The benefit of this, aside from allowing players access to all sorts of other beloved stories, is that many new characters would be introduced. In just Fusion Reborn alone, Pikkon and Gogeta are present and could both wind up being playable. Since these are two fan-favorite characters and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot snubbed fusion characters in the main game, that would be a nice treat for fans. There are also other villains like Broly, Cooler, and Bojack which could make appearances and give players something new to struggle against. Finally, there's even potential for non-canon video games like Xenoverse or FighterZ to have their stories explored in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

Ultimately, when introducing something as complex and crazy as time travel, anything is possible. It would be easy to justify the inclusion of any of these stories either as DLC or as free content updates, and there are many fans who would love to see some of these movies brought into Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, or Dragon Ball: GT given a second chance. Thankfully, fans don't have long to wait before the time machine is released and they can at least start replaying through main stories in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, but it is likely that there will be no news about any DLC beyond the Gods of the Universe DLC for quite some time.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: The Most Powerful Forms in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's Potential DLC

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