The beloved Pokémon GO has been a massive hit for what seems to be eons now, even though it's only been a few years. When it was released, it was a massive global phenomenon. Everyone was outside their houses trying to capture this cute little Pokémon on their phones.Initially, when it was first released, only a Generation 1 Pokémon could be found and caught, now Generation 4 Pokémon are in the game.
Even with only Generation 1 and 2 Pokémon, that is still over 251 Pokémon to capture to fill up your Pokédex. Or maybe your only goal is to capture your favorites and train them up to be the best their ever was.
Now, these Pokémon can be captured in quite a few ways, from finding them in the wild, from walking around and hatching them in eggs, from raid battles, or only from special events.
Well, here is a list of every Gen 2 Pokémon in Pokémon GO and how to capture them.
6 Pokémon #152-160

152. Chikorita. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 5KM Egg. Special Event. Tier 1 Raid.
153. Bayleef. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Chikorita. Tier 1 Raid.
154. Meganium. Found in the Wild. 100 Candy to evolve Bayleef.
155. Cyndaquil. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Special Event. Tier 1 Raid.
156. Quilava. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Cyndquil. Tier 1 Raid.
157. Typhlosion. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Quilava. Tier 4 Raid
158. Totodile. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Special Event. Tier 1 Raid.
159. Croconaw. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Totodile. Tier 2 Raid. Shadow Form.
160. Feraligatr. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Croconaw. Tier 4 Raid
5 Pokémon #161-181

161. Sentret. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Tier 1 Raid
162. Furret. Found in the Wild. 25 Candy to evolve Sentret.
163. Hoothoot. Found in the Wild.
164. Noctowl. Found in the Wild. 50 Candy to evolve Hoothoot. Tier 2 Raid.
165. Ledyba. Found in the Wild. Special Event.
166. Ledian. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Ledyba.
167. Spinarak. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2KM Egg.
168. Ariados. Found in the Wild. Special Event.
169. Crobat. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Golbat
170. Chinchou. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5/10KM Egg.
171. Lanturn. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Tier 2 Raid.
172. Pichu. Hatch from a 2/7KM Eggs. Special Event.
173. Cleffa. Hatch from a 2/7KM Eggs. Special Event.
174. Igglybuff. Hatch from a 2/7KM Eggs. Special Event.
175. Togepi. Hatch from a 2/7KM Eggs. Special Event.
176. Togetic. Found in the Wild. Tier 4 Raid. 25 Candy to evolve Togepi.
177. Natu. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
178. Xatu. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Natu.
179. Mareep. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/10KM Egg. Tier 1 Raid. Shadow Form.
180. Flaaffy. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Mareep. Tier 3 Raid. Shadow Form.
181. Ampharos. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Flaaffy. Shadow Form.
4 Pokémon #182-200

182. Bellossom. 100 Candy and a Sun Stone to evolve Gloom. Shadow Form.
183. Marill. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg. 25 Candy to evolve Azurill.
184. Azumarill. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Tier 3 Raid.
185. Sudowoodo. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 2/10 KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
186. Politoed. 100 Candy and a King's Rock to evolve Poliwhirl. Shadow Form.
187. Hoppip. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
188. Skiploom. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Hoppip.
189. Jumpluff. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Skiploom.
190. Aipom. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
191. Sunkern. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Tier 1 Raid.
192. Sunflora. 50 Candy and a Sun Stone to evolve Sunkern.
193. Yanma. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
194. Wooper. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg.
195. Quagsire. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Wooper.
196. Espeon. 25 Candy, only in the day, and Eevee must be a Buddy and have walked 10KM to evolve.
197. Umbreon. 25 Candy, only at night, and Eevee must be a Buddy and have walked 10KM to evolve.
198. Murkrow. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Tier 1 Raid.
199. Slowking. 50 Candy and a King's Rock to evolve Slowpoke.
200. Misdreavus. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid. Shadow Form.
3 Pokémon #201-220

201. Unown. 28 Forms. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 10KM Egg.
202. Wobbuffet. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/10KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid. Shadow Form.
203. Girafarig. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
204. Pineco. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/10KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
205. Forretress. Found in the Wild. 50 Candy to evolve Pineco.
206. Dunsparce. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg.
207. Gligar. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/10KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
208. Steelix. 50 Candy and a Metal Coat to evolve Onix.
209. Snubbull. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg. Tier 1 Raid.
210. Granbull. Found in the Wild. 50 Candy to evolve Snubbull. Tier 3 Raid.
211. Qwilfish. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
212. Scizor. 50 Candy and a Metal Coat to evolve Scyther. Shadow Form.
213. Shuckle. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/7KM Egg. Tier 3 Raid.
214. Heracross. Regional. Found in the Wild. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
215. Sneasel. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid. Shadow Form.
216. Teddiursa. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
217. Ursaring. Found in the Wild. 50 Candy to evolve Teddiursa. Tier 4 Raid.
218. Slugma. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
219. Magcargo. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Slugma. Tier 2 Raid.
220. Swinub. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5KM Egg. Tier 1 Raid.
2 Pokémon #221-240

221. Piloswine. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Swinub. Tier 3 Raid.
222. Corsola. Regional. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
223. Remoraid. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg.
224. Octillery. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Remoraid. Tier 2 Raid.
225. Delibird. Holiday exclusive. Tier 3 Raid. Shadow Form.
226. Mantine. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/10KM Egg. Tier 3 Raid.
227. Skarmony. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/10KM Egg. Tier 3 Raid.
228. Houndour. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 5KM Egg, Tier 1 Raid. Shadow Form.
229. Houndoom. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Houndour. Tier 4 Raid. Shadow Form.
230. Kingdra. 100 Candy and a Dragon Scale to evolve Seadrea.
231. Phanpy. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/KM Egg.
232. Donphan. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 50 Candy to evolve Phanpy. Tier 3 Raid.
233. Porygon2. 25 Candy and an Up-Grade to evolve Porygon. Shadow Form.
234. Stantler. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/5/7KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
235. Smeargle. It only appears in photos taken using the GO snapshot feature.
236. Tyrogue. Hatch from a 2/5/7KM Egg.
237. Hitmontop. Found in the Wild.
238. Smoochum. Hatch from a 2/5/7/10KM Egg.
239. Elekid. Hatch from a 2/5/7/10KM Egg.
240. Magby. Hatch from a 2/5/7/10KM Egg.
1 Pokémon #241-251

241. Miltank. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from a 2/10KM Egg. Tier 2 Raid.
242. Blissey. 50 Candy to evolve Chansey.
243. Raikou. Tier 5 Raid. Special Event. Shadow Form.
244. Entei. Tier 5 Raid. Special Event. Shadow Form.
245. Suicune. Tier 5 Raid. Special Event. Shadow Form.
246. Larvitar. Found in the Wild. Special Event. Hatch from 2/10KM Egg. Tier 1 Raid. Shadow Form.
247. Pupitar. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 25 Candy to evolve Larvitar. Shadow Form.
248. Tyranitar. Found in the Wild. Special Event. 100 Candy to evolve Pupitar. Tier 4 Raid. Shadow Form.
249. Lugia. Tier 5 Raid. Special Event.
250. Ho-Oh. Tier 5 Raid. Special Event.
251. Celebi. A Ripple In Time - Special Research.
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