Every Valorant Character and Ability Revealed So Far | Game Rant

The upcoming game, Valorant, is free-to-play 5v5 first-person shooter developed by Riot Games. Back on April 7, 2020, it launched a closed beta that can be viewed on Twitch via various streamers.

As of now, 10 playable characters and 40 abilities have been made available in the Valorant beta. More are sure to be revealed before the game's proper launch, but here is what to reference for closed beta players and viewers alike.

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Breach is a character all about crowd-control. Like all other Valorant characters, he has four abilities. They are:

  • Aftershock
  • Flashpoint
  • Fault Line
  • Rolling Thunder

Aftershock is a charge that players can manually place on walls that blasts out on the other side of the wall after a short amount of time. These charges can do a large amount of damage, but they can be avoided due to the delay. The explosion is also relatively small and doesn't fill an entire room, so it is easy to simply back away from it once it is noticed.

The second ability is Flashpoint. This ability functions a lot like Aftershock, but it instead functions as a flashbang, rather than an explosion. These flashes have a much larger radius than Aftershock's explosions and can be used to completely blind enemies. These are highly useful and highly recommended for Breach players.

Breach's third ability is Fault Line. This is Breach's signature ability, which players must equip it first and charge it before firing. Fault Line creates an earthquake that disrupts players' movement and screens that can be fired through walls and cover. Like Breach's other abilities, the exact area it will hit can be seen on the mini-map in the corner of the screen. It can also be used to check corner like with Aftershock, but it is capable of friendly-fire.

Rolling Thunder is Breach's fourth, final, and ultimate ability. It will cause a giant and moving explosion to roll through the map, disrupting and throwing who get in its way. However, like Fault Line, it is capable of friendly-fire, so other players should stay behind Breach while he performs his ultimate ability.

Brimstone operates many of his abilities via the mini-map, balancing between both attack and defense. He serves as a very versatile character that can be used in many situations. His abilities are:

  • Stim Beacon
  • Incindiary
  • Sky Smoke
  • Orbital Strike

Stim Beacon is a beacon that can be tossed to give surrounding players a buff known as "RapidFire". This buff gives players:

  • 10% increased rate of fire
  • 10% faster reload
  • 10% faster weapon swap
  • 10% recoil spread recovery

Incendiary is a grenade launcher that fires incendiary grenades. These grenades won't go off until they hit the ground, so they can bounce off walls. Once they do hit the ground, they leave a large area behind that can inflict AoE damage to all who touch it.

Sky Smoke allows players to open up a tactical map and air drop up to three smoke grenades from the sky.

Orbital Strike is Brimstone's Ultimate Ability and it allows players to perform a laser airstrike using a tactical map. This laser deals a massive amount of damage to all players inside it with more damage occurring the closer a player is to the center of the strike.

Unlike Team Fortress 2's Spy, Cypher isn't a spy focused on eliminating enemies from behind their own lines. Rather, he is more focused on helping his own team gather intelligence on the enemy team and his abilities reflect that. They are:

  • Tripwire
  • Cyber Cage
  • Spycam
  • Neural Theft

Tripwire is what it implies. It is a tripwire that can be set up by Cypher players that is invisible to enemy players until they get too close to it, and enemies that touch the tripwire that will be revealed to Cypher. The tripwire can be destroyed by enemies and if they don't destroy it after walking through it, they will be dazed.

Cyber Cage is an invisible trap that can be placed on the ground and can be activated by Cypher players at any time as long as they are looking in the direction of it. After being activated, it will create a ring of smoke that slows enemies that walk through it as well as creating a sound.

Spycam is an invisible camera that Cypher players can use to watch certain areas. Enemies will be able to see and hear it moving if a player is looking through it. The camera also has a dart that can be shot at enemies that will reveal them until it is pulled out.

Neural Theft is Cypher's ultimate ability and it is very simple. By using it on the corpse of an enemy player, all enemy players will be briefly revealed.

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Jett is a character made of going head on against other players that are by themselves, picking them off from behind. She's a highly mobile character with a lot of skill required. Her abilities are:

  • Glide
  • Cloudburst
  • Updraft
  • Tailwind
  • Blade Storm

Glide isn't technically a main ability, but it is a passive one. It allows Jett to glide by holding whatever key is bound to the jump button. This allows her to avoid many situations that would normally deal fall damage.

Cloudburst is a small smoke grenade that doesn't last long, which can be used for quick escapes. Updraft is a jump boost that can be used to get above tall walls, get control of high ground, catch enemies by surprise, or flank, while Tailwind is a dash that refreshes after performing 2 kills. It is a simple quick dash that can be used on the ground or in the air.

Jett's ultimate ability is Blade Storm. It allows players to take out multiple kunai blades. Left mouse throws a single blade while right mouse will throw all of them at the same time.

As what can be inferred by his appearance, Omen is a character that works out of the shadows and uses stealth to take advantage of and take down enemy players. His abilities are:

  • Shrouded Step
  • Paranoia
  • Dark Cover
  • From the Shadows

Shrouded Step is a teleport that allows Omen to instantly move to a chosen place that's within the line of sight. This ability should be used with care, as it takes time to use and the chosen spot can be seen by other players if they are looking at it.

Omen's second ability, Paranoia, is a projectile that can travel through walls and heavily decreases vision for all players that are inside it. This of course includes allies, so Omen players should use it with care.

Dark Cover is a smoke grenade that can be shot through walls. Up to two charges of this ability can be stored and the mini-map can be checked to see where the ability will land.

Omen's ultimate ability is From the Shadows. It is a simple ability that allows Omen to teleport anywhere on the map after it is pulled up. While the teleport is happening, all enemy mini-maps are distorted.

Phoenix is a character that can control fire, so the majority of his abilities revolve around heat, fire, and explosions. His abilities are:

  • Blaze
  • Curveball
  • Hothands
  • Run it Back

Blaze is a literal fire wall that can be curved by the player while it is being cast. It heals Phoenix players that stand in it, while also damaging enemies. Due to it being a wall of fire, it can also obscure enemy visibility.

Curveball is a flashbang that can be thrown like a curveball around corners to blind enemies. However, because it is a flashbang, a misfire can blind the player playing as Phoenix or allied players.

Hothands is an incendiary grenade that heals Phoenix players that stand in it and damages enemies that touch it.

Run it Back is Phoenix's ultimate ability and the true reason for his namesake. If Phoenix dies a short amount of time after casting it in a location, he will come back to life where it was cast. However, Phoenix can be attacked while being revived, so players should plan where they set this ability up.

Raze is the Valorant character that's all about anything else that can blow up. Her abilities are:

  • Boom Bot
  • Blast Pack
  • Paint Shells
  • Showstopper

Boom Bot is a cute little robot that resembles a Roomba that travels in a straight line and bounces off walls it hits. If it sees an enemy in front of it, it will lock on to them and continue to travel toward them until it gets close enough and explodes. Enemies can counter the Boom Bot by shooting it.

The Blast Pack will stick to a surface after being thrown. After enough time passes, or it is manually detonated, it will explode. Raze can use this ability to launch herself onto higher ground like Overwatch's Junkrat.

Paint Shells are actually a grenade that explode into smaller explosions after the initial explosion. It can be thrown straight with left mouse or lobbed with the right mouse.

Raze's ultimate ability is the Showstopper. It is a rocket launcher that causes a giant explosion that causes extreme amounts of damage to anything and anyone caught in it.

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Sage plays the role of Valorant's healer; her abilities focus on keeping the team alive via healing and barriers. Here are all of them:

  • Barrier Orb
  • Slow Orb
  • Heal Orb
  • Resurrection

The Barrier Orb is exactly what it says on the tin. It creates a protective wall that defends allied players, but can still be destroyed if damaged too much. It will eventually disappear after enough time has passed.

The Slow Orb is an explosive orb that spreads across the ground and slows all players that step in it. Player in it cannot jump and make more noise than usual. This orb can be hit off walls to get around corners and angles.

Sage's role as a healer comes in with her Heal Orb. By using it with left mouse, it can heal an ally or Sage herself with right mouse. This works over time, so time must be devoted to the healing process.

Resurrection does what it claims to do: brings an ally back to life. By using this ability, the ally will be brought back to life with full health. This is probably one of the most valuable ultimate abilities in Valorant and must be used cautiously, so enemies don't try to stop it.

Sova, like Cypher, is a character that excels in getting information on enemy players via scouting. His abilities are:

  • Owl Drone
  • Shock Bolt
  • Recon Bolt
  • Hunter's Fury

The Owl Drone allows players to take control of an owl that can be flown around the map for recon purposes. It can fire a dart at enemies to reveal their locations temporarily.

Sova's Shock Bolt is an electrical arrow that deals AoE damage after it hits. The closer enemies are to the center of the blast, the more damage it will inflict. Arrows can also be bounced off of surfaces up to two times. Also, the further the bow string is pulled back, the further the arrow will travel.

The Recon Bolt functions the same way as the Shock Bolt, except that it will reveal enemies within the arrow's line of sight. However, enemies can also see the arrow on the mini-map and destroy it if they're quick enough.

Finally, Sova's ultimate ability is his Hunter's Fury. This allows him to fire up to three arrows that go through all map objects and walls in a straight line. All enemies hit will be revealed temporarily.

Viper is an agent that uses poison gases and clouds to damage other players. Her abilities are:

  • Snakebite
  • Poison Cloud
  • Toxic Screen
  • Viper's Pit

Snakebite is a projectile containing poisonous fluid that creates a large puddle on the ground after being broken open. Players who walk through it are both slowed and damaged.

Viper's Poison Cloud is a gas grenade that constantly leaks out poisonous gas until it is manually turned off by Viper or she runs out of toxic fuel. This fuel is used for both Poison Cloud and Toxic Screen. This cloud obscures vision and damages players inside it. The grenade can be picked up again to be thrown later.

Toxic Screen fires a line of poison gas canisters that create a wall of poison gas that functions the same as Poison Cloud. This has a high range and can be fired across the map.

Finally, Viper's ultimate is the Viper's Pit. This creates a large cloud of poisonous gas that cannot be seen through at all and damages all who step inside it except for Viper. It remains active as long as Viper stays inside it and all enemies that enter it will be marked.

Valorant is available in closed beta now on PC.

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