Civilization 6: How to Install Mods on Epic Games Store

There are a ton of Civilization mods available, giving players the ability to change the game's UI, alter its graphics, and much more. While installing Civ 6 mods through Steam is quite a streamlined process, those fans that have downloaded this acclaimed title through the Epic Games Store may not be sure how to proceed. Fortunately, it is quite easy to install Civilization 6 mods even if the game has been obtained through the EGS, and this guide is here to help.

To start, player should identify the Civilization 6 mod that they want to install on Steam Workshop and copy the URL (ending with "?id=NUMBER"). They should then visit, paste the previously-copied URL into the search bar, and click "Download" to locate the Civ 6 mod. This will take players to a page where they can manually download the mod, and that is exactly what they should do.

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Next, a player must put the mod into the correct location, and for those fans that have downloaded Civilization 6 for free from the Epic Games Store that location is "...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 6 (Epic)\Mods." Indeed, all a player must do is drag the Civ 6 mod that they downloaded through Steam Workshop into this folder, and they should then be up and running.

From there, fans can confirm that their Civilization 6 mods are activated by launching the game and clicking on "Additional Content." They can then click on "Mods" to view everything that they have installed, and players can control which ones are active from this screen. Additionally, fans can see the mods that are running during a game of Civ 6 by pressing "Esc" and looking at the bottom of the resulting window.

While it is easy enough to get Civilization 6 mods working with a copy of the game that has been download through the EGS, deciding which mods to use is a whole different story. Truly there are an astonishing number of great mods for this real-time strategy title, and whether a fan is playing Civ 6 with friends on Steam or alone, it is definitely worthwhile to spend some time browsing through the options that are available.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6 Getting New Frontier Pass With Six DLC Expansions

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