DOOM vs DOOM: Eternal, Every Weapon's Old Mods vs New Mods

Doom Eternal is a fresh take on a modern shooter with classic mechanics that harkens back to the days of the OG Doom as well as Doom 64. It's a fantastic sequel that only seems to add mechanics rather than taking them away, though the endless amount of new buttons to press during a firefight has aggravated some fans.

But, those same fans may be surprised to learn that the overall weapon count and variety are almost essentially the same as in Doom (2016). Sure, there's more mechanical differences, equipment, and a few weapon variations here or there but for the most part, they're basically the same. So, let's go over the modifications, which ones are the best, and talk about which game handled which gun better and why.

7 The Combat Shotgun: A Grenade Launcher In Disguise

No doubt about it, the Combat Shotgun in Doom Eternal is better. In both Doom (2016) and Eternal, the Shotgun serves mostly the same purpose for the majority of the game in that it is essentially a grenade launcher. The Grenade attachment for the gun is what we recommend people grab first as using it to disable Arachnotrons early is a lifesaver.

But, that's not to say that the revolving barrel or triple shot mod in 2016 isn't worth it as well! Though, when comparing the two, its obvious that the one offering more shots per second (the Doom Eternal version) is more useful. The immediate explosions in Doom (2016) were nice, but we just felt more satisfied using the same attachment in Eternal. 

6 The Heavy Assault Rifle/Cannon: Missles For Consoles, Scope For PC

The Heavy Cannon from Doom (2016) is exactly the same as the Heavy Assault Rifle in Eternal; they may have different "names," but they're the same. Quite honestly, the Heavy Cannon from Doom 2016 both sounds and feels better to shoot, but Eternals Heavy Assault Rifle is more classic.

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The Precision Bolt in Eternal can destroy the tougher enemies in the early game no problem on PC, but the Micro Missiles are a step back in terms of power from the 2016 reboot. Personally, we still prefer the 2016 version, but that's only because of how "chunky" it feels.

5 The Plasma Rifle: The Most Stereotypically Futuristic Weapon

The Plasma Rifle ended up being the weapon gamers fell back on the most. Honestly, it was more of an assault rifle for gamers in Eternal than the actual Assault Rifle. That wasn't really the case in Doom (2016), but the two weapons are pretty similar regardless. Visually, the Plasma Gun is a huge step back in the VFX department in Doom Eternal, but the design of the gun itself is a lot more classic.

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In terms of the two modifications, the Stun Bomb from 2016 is absolutely better than the Microwave Beam, but the Heat Wave has only been improved upon in Doom Eternal.

4 The Rocket Launcher: Works Almost Exactly The Same

Again, in terms of design, the new and improved Rocket Launcher in Doom Eternal wins hands down. It just looks so much more like a weapon from Hell.

Otherwise, the two weapons are virtually the same. The difference it the modifications all come to preference, but we found ourselves relying on the Ballista or Chaingun much more than the RL in Eternal. The Lock-On works faster and better in Doom 2016, and the Remote Detonation is just as useless as it always was.

3 The Chaingun: A Demon Shredding Dream Weapon

The Chaingun is better in Doom Eternal in every way. The barrel of the Chaingun spins up faster in eternal, nullifying the use of a mod like 2016's Gatling Rotator, so they substituted it with the Shield. The Shield is pretty decent, but we still fell back on the Mobile Turret most of the time.

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It just shreds any and all demons in either game and has surprisingly high ammo with few upgrades! Plus, the design of the Chaingun in 2016 looks like a Serious Sam weapon while Eternal's design looks much more Doom-like or something from Quake.

2 The Super Shotgun: An Easy Mode Or A Grappling Hook

Here's the thing about the Super Shotgun; it was never going to be as good in Eternal as it was in Doom (2016). This weapon in the 2016 reboot of the classic franchise was basically the only gun you ever needed. Sadly it constantly ran out of ammo, but if you played your cards right, you could destroy most encounters with it alone.

They had to nerf it a bit for Eternal, and we're at least glad they added a cool mechanic like the "Meat Hook" along with the nerf. We had more fun using the Meat Hook, but there's no doubt that the weapon was better in every way in Doom (2016).

1 The Ballista And Gauss Cannon: Both Are Basically Scientifically Advanced Crossbows

Lastly, we have the Ballista and the Gauss Cannon. The Unmakyr and the BFG's don't count since they always come with zero modifications. And, while the Ballista and Gauss Cannon are technically two very different weapons, they're similar in a lot of ways and are still absolutely comparable. Between the two, the Ballista is better.

It's very hard to use effectively early on due to long charge times and slowed movement speed, but neither of those is comparable to the dead stop that was Siege Mode with the Gauss Cannon. Plus, the Destroyer blade is a perfect way to clear a room of grunts when you're meant to be focusing on the nightmarish demons like Mauraders or Cyber-Demons.

NEXT: DOOM: Eternal: 10 Ways to Counter the Dreaded Marauder

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