When The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was first released, players were treated to a world rich with life, and they couldn't walk for more than a few minutes without finding some new location, creature, or passing NPC to give them a quest. Even to this day, nearly a decade since its release, there are still secrets being found by players who missed them the first time around, including the hidden treasure maps and chests found throughout the game.
Skyrim has ten numbered treasure maps that can be found in the game, as well as two that are named in the base game. Each chest's contents are randomized and leveled to the player's current level, meaning the loot found by one player will probably be different from the loot found by another.
13 Map 1

After leaving Helgen, players should follow the companion until they reach a fork in the road, then go left towards the shrine to Talos. On the left of the road is an unmarked Bandit camp, one of the Bandits will be holding the map.
From the Riverwood sawmill, walk across the stream to the other side and the chest will be hiding inside the base of a fallen tree.
12 Map 2

In Journeyman's Nook, southeast of Winterhold, is a knapsack containing Map II, as well as one of the missing students from the College of Winterhold.
From Whiterun, head east to Valtheim Towers, which is normally passed on the way to Kynesgrove during the main story questline. The chest will be along the bank of the river, just past the bridge.
11 Map 3

Inside the Riverside Shack, southwest of Windhelm, is a chest with a leveled lock containing the map. Be careful, as the previous occupant has been replaced by the Bear or Sabercat that killed him.
The map shows the Solitude Lighthouse, specifically from the northeast side of the shore, with the chest being hidden behind a rock on the shore. It can be easier to approach this chest from the water and trying to line up with the map.
10 Map 4

The fourth map is inside a boss chest in Redoran's Retreat, a site players can be directed to for the Amren's Sword quest and during the Companions quest Stealing Plans, located northwest of Whiterun.
The treasure chest is found on the mountain behind Pelagia Farm by following the directions on the map, back up towards Riverwood, and off the path once it makes a sharp turn to the left.
9 Map 5

From Falkreith, head south to Angi's Camp, the same place where Angi can give the player extra levels in Archery if they play her mini-game. The map is in the end table of Angi's bedroom.
The map shows the chest at the base of the waterfall in Bard's Leap Summit, due south of Rorikstead. This is the same place where players can see two Hagravens creating a Forsworn Briarheart, so it is not recommended to enter this area at lower levels.
8 Map 6

This map is found in an unmarked location by following a trail of blood to two dead Bosmer. From Volunruund, southwest of Dawnstar, head northwest up the hill, towards the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, until you find the blood trail. Follow it to the left of a rock outcrop and the elf should be holding the map.
From Whiterun, head northeast to Korvanjund, where players are sent during the Jagged Crown quest, and the chest will be on top of the archway by the tree as shown on the map.
7 Map 7

From Hollyfrost Farm, beside Windhelm, head east to Traitor's Post and go inside where there will be two leveled Bandits. In one of the first-floor bedrooms is a chest with a Novice lock containing the treasure map.
The chest is located under an outcrop in Gallows Rock, the same place players end up immediately after they transform into a werewolf for the first time, southwest of Windhelm.
6 Map 8

From Bleakcoast Cave, east of Winterhold, head further east to the unmarked area with two dead hunters and some Horkers. One of the hunters will be holding the map.
The map is divided into two parts: the key and the chest it unlocks. The first X marks a tree on the opposite side of the mill in Dragon Bridge, which can be found by following the road west out of Solitude. Against the tree is a satchel containing the key.
The chest is found in the river under the bridge, on the same side as the key. The chest has a Master lock, meaning players can unlock it with a high enough Lockpicking level and can skip the key altogether.
5 Map 9

Near Form Amol is a location called Lucky Lorenz's Shack, the house that has been destroyed by a fallen tree southeast of Valtheim Towers. There is a dead man inside called Lucky Lorenz, who is holding the treasure map.
From Riften, head southeast to a Broken Helm Hollow, a bandit location where there is a waterfall cascading down one side. From the edge near the waterfall, jump down to the first ledge where the chest is hiding behind the water.
4 Map 10

The final numbered map is found inside Stony Creek Cave, southeast of Windhelm. Inside the cave are some bandits near a waterfall mining, as well as an alchemy table off in a separate room. The bandit inside this room is holding the map.
Starting from the Guardian Stones you pass on the way to Riverwood at the beginning of the game, head west to the Lady Stone island and face northeast once you reach it. At the bottom of the lake due northeast is the treasure chest.
3 Fort Neugrad Map

Fort Neugrad is found southeast of Helgen, with the map held in a chest on the highest watchtower of the fort.
The treasure chest is found east of the fort, half-buried in the snow on the slopes above the lake.
2 Velek Sain's Map

This map is given to the player at the conclusion of the unmarked College of Winterhold quest "Forgotten Names" if they choose to spar Velek rather than kill him. In The Midden Dark below the college is a Daedric gauntlet on a pedestal, as well as a note and a key on a table nearby. The note describes how to complete the quest and the key opens a chest in the Arcanaeum, where the rings can be found.
Velek's treasure chest can be found southwest of Ysgramor's Tomb on a small island, just below a Shrine of Talos. The tomb is located west of the College of Winterhold, off the shore below.
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