False accusations have torn apart the lives of athletes, politicians, and celebrities for as long as mankind has been on the earth. The common refrain of "I did nothing wrong" usually sparks up a chorus of booing and anger, regardless of how true it is. When someone has lost the confidence of the public, fair or not, they need more than a "Nuh-uh, not me," to re-establish that trust.
It's not enough to do nothing wrong in Among Us. One must do everything right to keep the accusatory eyes away. So now is the best time to learn what to do (and what not to do) in order to establish one's innocence in the eyes of the crew.
10 Blend In: Finish Tasks Quickly

When emergency meetings are called and everyone is throwing around names, one way to make sure the player's name is not mentioned is to knock out as many tasks as possible. There's no reason to delay in doing chores unless the player is the infiltrator.
Yes, many indie games that require stealth exist in the universe, but Among Us is not on that list. Don't be sneaky, don't overthink objectives. Pretend there is a time limit on accomplishing these various tasks to avoid any doubt in the minds of others.
9 Stand Out: Flee The Scene

Everyone wants to see the villains in Gotham Knights. People love looking for a culprit. The gut reflex within the gamer knows this and therefore tries their best to be out of sight and (hopefully) out of mind when they stumble across a dead body or sabotaged equipment.
But there's an alternative way to mitigate this blame. Report it. This is not an episode of Law & Order where a powerful lawyer will represent those who flee the scene of the crime. These games are quick and people have to make quicker judgments. Get caught running away once and suspicion is sure to follow.
8 Blend In: Hang Out With Friends

There's a whole library of choices when deciding which games to play with friends on Steam remotely. Among Us is a game where it's less important to have a friend outside of the game and more important to have a friend inside of the game.
Every second spent not doing tasks should be spent in plain sight. Don't just lock up inside of a room and hope everyone else assumes that nothing is happening during those moments of solitude. Work together and vouch for one another!
7 Stand Out: Use Side Routes

It's all too possible to stand out from the shadows in this game. "Out of sight, out of mind" is decent life advice, but in Among Us, being out of sight means being in every single other crewmate's mind.
Use that reverse Splinter Cell logic and be as public as possible. When going from room to room, make sure to use a hallways with a camera. The infiltrator will use the vents and the logs will show that the player avoided that suspicion by traveling in these well-documented areas.
6 Blend In: Get A Public Check-Up

In Overwatch, healers are prone to making numerous mistakes. In real life, doctors can make mistakes by betraying doctor-patient confidentiality. In Among Us, patients make a mistake by being overly confidential.
When the "Submit Scan" task comes up, never be alone when it is being accomplished. Wait for at least one other person to enter the room. Other players can see the green light and know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the saboteur is lurking elsewhere.
5 Stand Out: Accuse An Innocent Person

The infiltrator will spend their time trying to get innocent people on the crew to vote each other out. This is not like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time where fan rumors were mostly false, this is a game where rumors are king and spreading a bad one all but guarantees the player's guilt.
Mistakenly identifying the incorrect person as the traitor is doing the imposter's job for them. And it results in two innocent crew members cast out, the blameless crewmate and the one who did the blaming, at no cost to the real perpetrator.
4 Blend In: Participate In The Events

Much like Persona 5, timing is critically important. Unlike Persona 5, these games are over very quickly. So when deciding between finishing up a task or helping out the crew, always help out the crew.
After a sabotage, the imposter will not be present and fixing the damage. The valid crewmates, however, will be. So by participating in the repair process before getting back to the tasks, the crew will see the player taking care of the ship and be certain that the suspect lies elsewhere.
3 Stand Out: Waste An Emergency Meeting

Launching an emergency meeting with little to no information is obviously a way to lose the game for the team. But its doubly bad as it also places the sights directly on the player who called this meeting without adding anything of value.
The imposters won't care about a wasted meeting. Actually, scratch that, they very much care about a wasted meeting because it gets them one step closer to victory. To use an analogy, it makes the person who wasted the call one of the most useless Pokémon in the lineup, and nobody will be sad when they are dispatched.
2 Blend In: Overshare

Yakkity yak, do talk back! Take a moment from talking about 2020 video games and start talking about anything and everything seen while knocking out tasks in the facility. When a player offers only one or two observations, it can seem targeted. And only traitors want to place targets on the innocent.
So spill all of the beans. Mention every single time seeing another player, when and where they were seen, and what they were doing. Yes, some of the information might not be useful, but it proves in the minds of the other crewmates that nothing is being held back.
1 Stand Out: Stop Checking

Camera logs, door logs, and vitals all add valuable information to the crew. An imposter does not need to check them, they already know that they are up to no good. But a diligent member of the crew will be checking these in between tasks and scans in order to try and solve the mystery of who the rogue agent is.
If the gamer never checks on these things, something will smell fishy to the rest of the crew. Why isn't this person trying to help solve the mystery? Is it because they don't want the mystery solved? These are questions best directed at a guilty party, not the player.
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